Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The trip

Snowy trees along the way
The car ride to Corning, NY, the first trip on our journey, was more pleasant than could be expected. There wasn't much to worry about, the day was beautiful and bright and snowy, though the roads weren't icy. The car was packed so that there was barely room for me in the back, with Grizzy the cat in her carrier on my lap.

We stopped for coffee before the journey and were more or less set for the hours on the road. 

We did attempt to let Grizzy roam the car, but she's not the sort of kitty cat who'll sit on your lap for the ride. She gets nervous in the car and would prefer to find a place to hide - which naturally made us quite nervous. So poor Grizzy was condemned to her kitty-carrier for the duration of the journey, alternating between crying and napping depending on how flat the road was and what was in the radio.

Fun fact: Grizzy the cat enjoys Simon and Garfunkel.


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