Sunday, February 24, 2013

An opportunity

Hours after we learned that Jean had been evicted, Sarah contacted me on facebook letting me know that she might know someone who was in need of a roommate on very short notice.

It's impressive how quickly Sarah responded. The apartment, inhabited by two classmates of Sarah's, was in Jean's price range and included utilities. I'll refer to these roommates as Elle and Essie.

Elle is actually an acquaintance of Sarah's roommate, so for Jean, this is a connection through a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend. 

I answered some questions for Sarah about the circumstance's of Jean's eviction (I fully understand why eviction would be a red flag). After relaying enough information to show that Jean was reliable, I got the contact information for Elle and Jean called her the next day.

A photo of my beau in Corning
I don't do well under stress, so to see others reacting so competently was impressive for me. I can't imagine how I would handle such a serious situation. Jean was stunned, yes, but she was far from broken.

I will admit that her support network is better than mine. My parents have always made it known that they would be no help whatsoever, and whatever my problems are, they're my fault. That's probably why I have such a hard time asking for help. I don't expect help, I expect criticism. I just drown. I didn't even know it wasn't normal to have no help, or that there was any use in putting up a fight until I met my beau.

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