Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Carousel Mall

Or, as it's currently known, Destiny USA. I think that name is silly.

I went to this mall twice during my stay in Syracuse. Once with my beau and Jean shortly after we arrived, but we didn't have much fun. Jean still has leg issues, and she's also got back problems - so she didn't want to walk the entire length of the mall. My beau also generally dislikes the mall, so he wasn't much fun when I wanted to explore. We stuck close to Jean and ate at Uno's, Jean's favorite restaurant.

What I saw of the mall in the first trip wasn't much different than the Walden Galleria in Cheektowaga (near Buffalo). Most of the same stores, same structure. A big mall is a big mall. I think they're even owned the the same controversial figures, who apparently seem to enjoy building on swamp land.

rope course
We (my beau and I) went again later with Sarah, after hanging out on campus while she was in class. Sarah was an excellent guide to the Carousel Mall. She didn't take us to any big stores, but to the strange little ones - like the 99 cent store in the basement with the wide assortment of cheap and interesting things. I bought a GIANT shopping bag there.  I also bought a small loose-leaf tea-pot as a gift for Jean, at the recommendation of Sarah, who thought that a housewarming gift was an excellent idea. I agreed. Sarah took it upon herself to buy some loose-leaf tea at Teavana to use with it, and she bought the gift-bag, too.

The mall does have some pretty awesome things in it. For instance, there's a large rope course. When we went, it was covered in children. I imagine it's that's it's normal state. There's also a large go-cart track, and some sort of rollercoaster simulator. I was actually pretty impressed.

Go-cart course
Outside the rollercoaster simulator

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