Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Purpose of our trip to Syracuse

Our friend Jean recently got out of the hospital after spending around two months in Buffalo with family after some fairly serious and enlightening surgery on her leg. She's in the clear now, but she was having issues for quite a long time.

I'd give more details, but it's not my business to share and honestly, she could make a blog of her own medical odysseys any time she wished. Perhaps she should. That would most certainly make it to my blog roll, when I create decide to have a blog roll.

Anyway, the purpose of our trip, while it was mostly to have fun, was also partly to help Jean get re-acclimated to her apartment and to help her figure Syracuse out, because though she's lived here for a long time now, she hasn't done much and has honestly been bored out of her mind.

Since I have a friend who's a student here, Sarah (not to be confused with Sara the dog, who's also pleasant, small, and dark-haired), I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to show Jean around.

My beau and I were also thrilled for the opportunity to get out of Buffalo for an adventure anyway.  We love Buffalo, at least I do, but there's a lot of stress waiting for me back home. It's wonderful to feel free for a short while.

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