Monday, February 18, 2013

An uncertain trip to begin with

A photo from the initial car ride.
When we first left for Syracuse, there were already a number of uncertainties. Thankfully, as my beau and I are unemployed, we had no qualms about a long uncertain trip. There's no big issue with deadlines or people to deal with - only our funds, which are admittedly quite limiting.

The first uncertainty: Length of trip. Estimated at about two weeks, but the trip length was really as long as we wanted, so long as our eventual end date coincided with our friend's work schedule and ability to drive us home to Buffalo from Syracuse. A subset of this is the uncertainty of how much of our trip would be spent in Corning, NY.

The second uncertainty: limited funds. This is quite an issue, but staying with a long-time friend of my beau's, this didn't appear to be too much. We can contribute in other ways, and so long as the visit was under a month or two, she didn't expect rent.

 The third uncertainty: How much time should I divide between my friends?

So far it seems like a fairly decent trip, but some unusual and quite startling things have happened which shook all of us, proving that nothing is truly certain.

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